Seven members far away
from each other,
but always connected


We know that knowledge production is not bound by national frontiers and management structures are increasingly going global.

As a geographically dispersed European University, RUN-EU relies on a robust and transparent management structure that uses international best practices to ensure strong communication and effective participation by all members.

RUN-EU Management Structure Graph

Management bodies

It is a strategic governing body that acts as a senate for the alliance and consists of:

  • the rectors and/or presidents of all RUN-EU member higher education institutions;
  • four elected representatives from the Associated Partner Advisory Board;
  • eight elected representatives from the Student Advisory Board (one per alliance member);
  • and four international experts.

In the years ahead, the alliance members will create a separate Academic Council that will coordinate the academic and scientific future of RUN-EU after the funding period, while the General Assembly will remain as the strategic governing body.

The General Assembly meets once a year to:

  • evaluate and decide on the high-level RUN-EU policy decisions proposed by the coordinator or by the Management Committee
  • strategically steer the main project decisions upon reviewing the reports of the coordinator and the Management Committee, describing the progress of the project and each work package
  • guarantee the academic and scientific coordination of RUN-EU
  • define the main guidelines for the sustainability of the RUN-EU and support the roll-out of the long-term vision strategy
  • and identify potential risks, difficulties and bottlenecks that could arise during the project roll-out to determine appropriate solutions and/or contingencies.

At the General Assembly, the Student Advisory Board act as ambassadors for RUN-EU in each higher education institution and will organise student events, including dissemination activities, that will promote the RUN-EU community among students.

It monitors and coordinates the activities of the project and ensures all assigned responsibilities and deliverables are met on time and within budget.

The Management Committee is led by the RUN-EU Coordinator (from the Polytechnic of Leiria) and co-led by the RUN-EU Co-coordinator (from the Technological University of the Shannon) and composed of staff representing all members of the alliance.

It meets twice a year, and its main activities and responsibilities are to:

  • monitor and coordinate the activities and deliverables of the RUN-EU work packages
  • detect any potential deviation in the implementation of the tasks and output delivery, deciding on corrective actions
  • manage the project human and financial resources efficiently
  • and monitor execution progress against key performance indicators such as the quality of the work package deliverables, implementation of the mobility activities, and the design and delivery of the Short Advanced Programmes and the collaborative European degree programmes).

Our objectives are then achieved through eight work packages:

  • WP1 – Coordination and Management
  • WP2 – European Innovation Hubs
  • WP3 – Future and Advanced Skills Academies
  • WP4 – European Mobility Innovation
  • WP5 – RUN-EU Discovery Programme – Sustainable Interregional Research and Innovation Projects
  • WP6 – Short Advanced Programmes
  • WP7 – Collaborative European Degrees
  • WP8 – Dissemination and Sustainability of the Future RUN-EU

The work packages leaders and co-leaders have regular virtual meetings and are responsible for:

  • ensuring that the activities and deliverables of the work packages are implemented in time, within budget and with the expected quality
  • guaranteeing that each partner is contributing as planned to the work package implementation, and assuring proper communication
  • informing the Management Committee and the Coordinator of the progress of the implementation, identifying any constraint and potential deviation and proposing corrective actions
  • implementing the strategic actions and needed corrective actions identified by the General Assembly, Management Committee and the Coordinator.

It strategically advises the work of the Management Committee, the Coordinator, and work packages leaders, with an emphasis on student engagement activities, inclusion and multiculturalism, as well as on the implementation and format of the innovative mobility programmes.

Each member higher education institution has its own regional Student Council (SC) that meet every six months to review and advise on the RUN-EU strategy, achievements and its impact at the institutional level.

During RUN-EU’s Annual Students Week, the students that compose each regional SC come together to integrate one general SC.

It advises RUN-EU on societal engagement and the most urgent and important emerging challenges to be tackled.

It is composed of 34 associates ranging from regional and national authorities, chambers of commerce, higher education institutions, research centres, international policy units, non-governmental organisations, and businesses.

The Associated Partner Advisory Board meets annually and elects four members to participate in the RUN-EU General Assembly.

Presidents and CEOs

  • Carlos Rabadão
    President of Polytechnic of Leiria
  • Vincent Cunnane
    President of TUS
  • Maria José Fernandes
    President of IPCA
  • Pertti Puusaari
    President/CEO of HAMK
  • Bálint Filep
    President of SZE
  • Erica Schaper
    President of NHL Stenden
  • Stefan Fitz-Rankl
    CEO of FHV


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