Charting the Strategic Educational Course of RUN-EU

During a two-day meeting at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, representatives from all alliance members gathered to discuss Joint Degree development, micro-credentials, pedagogical approaches as well as quality assurance and affiliated accreditation mechanisms.

Promotion of the RUN-EU European Zone for Interregional Development (EZ-ID) at UBU

RUN-EU is committed to promoting a “European Zone for Interregional Development” (EZ-ID). This interregional cooperation promoted by the RUN-EU universities seeks to create networking that allows the economic, social, cultural, and environmental development of our regions, making Europe more competitive, more connected, more social and inclusive, and greener. 

European Student Assembly 2025 Applications Are Now Open

The European Student Assembly (#ESA25) is back, inviting youth voices to discuss Europe’s future.
From 26 to 28 May 2025, Strasbourg will host this dynamic assembly, bringing together students from all the European University alliances.

RUN-EU Attended a Meeting on the European Degree Package in Spain

Representatives from all Spanish universities in European alliances attended the European meeting on the ‘European Degree Package’ organised by the ARQUS European University Alliance and hosted by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on 30 September.

UBU Becomes the Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Europe of the Regions

On 3 and 4 October the University of Burgos (UBU) brought together the eight RUN-EU European regions to promote entrepreneurship: Centre Region – Portugal (IPLeiria), Midlands & Midwest Regions – Ireland (TUS), Northern Region – Portugal (IPCA), Southern Region – Finland (HAMK), Friesland Province – The Netherlands (NHL Stenden), Vorarlberg Region – Austria (FHV), West-Flanders – Belgium (Howest) at the RUN-EU Knowledge Mission & Innovation Meets Regions event.

RUN Research Expert Network has been established

A new milestone has been reached as the RUN-EU 2.0 research community launched the RUN Research Expert Network on 15 July 2024.

RUN-EU Dissemination and Cooperation Office (DCO) has been established

A new milestone for RUN-EU 2.0 has been achieved with the establishment of the Dissemination and Cooperation Office (DCO).

Howest Welcomed the 2nd RUN-EU Executive Management Board Meeting

The RUN-EU Executive Management Board (EMB) met from 3 to 5 June at the Howest University of Applied Sciences, Belgium.

The Future Starts Now! Get Ready for the General Assembly and Students’ Week 2024

The Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (FHV) will host the fourth General Assembly (GA) and the RUN-EU Students’ Week (SW) from 2 to 6 September 2024, in Austria.

Student Perspective: Making Students’ Voices Heard at RUN-EU

The RUN-EU Student Council ensures our students receive the best possible international education experience. It reviews and advises on RUN-EU’s strategy, performance and impact at an institutional level. It is composed of 18 members two students from each member of the Alliance. Each member higher education institution has its own regional Student Council, composed of […]