Enrich your academic experience by studying or teaching abroad


Where can RUN-EU take you?

Contact the international mobility office of the university you’re interested in

International Mobility and Cooperation Office

Phone +351 244 860 448
Phone +351 244 830 010
Email gmci@ipleiria.pt

Office of International Services

Director: Mary Simpson
Phone +353 90 646 827
Email msimpson@ait.ie

Contact Administrator: Annette Buckley
Phone +353 90 6471 818
Email abuckley@AIT.IE

International Office

Phone +351 253 802207/507
Email gri@ipca.pt

Team International Mobility

Phone +31 06 1531 9696
Email io@nhlstenden.com

International Office

Phone +43 5572 792 1201
Email international@fhv.at

International Office

Phone +34 627 768 715
Email run-eu@ubu.es

Looking for a short international study experience?

European Mobility Innovation Centre (EMIC)

The RUN-EU European Mobility Innovation Centre is a centre of expertise in innovative European mobility that promotes international skills development for students and staff and monitors the quality of our mobility activities.

Its main goal is to increase student and staff mobility at all levels within RUN-EU, by combining traditional approaches with new, innovative, and sustainable forms of mobility.

The EMIC brings together international mobility experts from the seven universities of the alliance to build and share expertise in innovative physical and virtual international student and staff mobility in European higher education.

It works as the RUN-EU international services, ensuring multiculturalism is put into practice in all our teaching, learning, research, and professional development activities.

RUN-EU Mobility Schemes Catalogue 1.0

This 1st version of the annual Mobility Schemes Catalogue lists the innovative mobility opportunities available for students and staff within RUN-EU, including:

  1. Traditional mobilities (exchange, internships, training, job shadowing)
  2. Non-traditional mobilities (SAPs, BIPs, COILs and MOOCs)
  3. Innovative mobilities (Amazing Trains/Boats/Bikes)
  4. Research mobilities (including for PhD students)
  5. Green mobilities for students, staff and Associated Partners.

The Catalogue also lists Action on Virtual Exchanges in higher education and youth as part of KA1 of the Erasmus+ programme. 

This Mobility Schemes Catalogue has been developed and will be implemented under RUN-EU 2.0 Workpackage 5 (RUN-EMIC RUN-European Mobility and Innovation Centre) of the RUN-EU 2.0 project, with the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, and the Work Package leader and the Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave, the Work Package co-leader.  

Opportunities for staff

Exploratory Missions

Interested in creating flexible and multidisciplinary study programmes in collaboration with other RUN-EU universities?

The RUN-EU Exploratory Missions are events where teachers connect with their international fellows and work on the creation of the European double and joint degrees.

Get in touch with your university’s international mobility office to participate.

Mobility Weeks

If you work with the administration/organisation of international mobility activities at one of our member universities, you can take part in our Mobility Weeks.

These in-person events are unique opportunities for you to work on the design of our innovative mobility programmes.

Contact your university’s international mobility office to find out how to get involved.


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