Person-Centred Social and Health Services in Finland
15 February 2023
The traditional model of care is transitioning from an acute hospital-based model to a socially driven well-being model.
This requires health faculties delivering nurse education programmes across Europe to include the social needs of persons utilising health and social care services in the modern era.
Many of these services are delivered by both government-sponsored and non-governmental organisations and it is therefore essential that students develop an understanding of these changing services in diverse regional contexts, as they are impacted by national and regional factors.
According to the OECD, the Finnish Health care system is under pressure from technological changes which are pushing up the costs of hospital services and prescribed medicines, access to healthcare, in general, could also be improved, and the roles of nurses should be expanded to meet consumer expectations and a plan for the rapidly ageing population should be developed – Microsoft Word – Finland Review.doc (
This SAP will provide a mechanism for students to gain an insight into the delivery of services at both national, Finnish and wider European levels through a collaborative cross-faculty approach in the delivery and assessment of this SAP.
It is essential for all involved – participants and organisations – in this SAP to develop internationalisation for nursing students at this time to meet the professional regulatory requirements and ensure the quality of student learning towards 2030 in line with the WHO guidance.
The RUN-EU Short Advanced Programme (SAP) Person-Centred Social and Health Services in Finland, is jointly organised by the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden), and the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), and will help prepare students for that future.
From 8 March to 19 April 2023
Face-to-face week
From 10 to 14 April at the Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hämeenlinna, Finland)
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
Academic recognition
At HAMK, the SAP is part of a 15 ECTS optional module.
At NHL Stenden the SAP contributes to attaining Learning Outcomes which are integral to the degree programme.
At TUS the SAP can also be integrated into the regular coursework. For the other HEIs, the SAP will be certified in the diploma supplement.
Eligible participants
All RUN-EU students in a nursing degree programme.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:
- Critically review a community organisation in Finland recognising and respecting the values and the ideology of the organisation, regarding demographic, legal issues, regulations and culture.
- Discuss the resources of community partners that are designated to serve a public purpose.
- Participate in a community activity which builds on the capacity of individuals, groups, and organisations and gain an insight and experience in how to collaboratively address issues of public concern.
- Critically reflect on and evaluate community engagement, exchange of knowledge, groupwork, roles and resources within the framework of leadership and intercultural sensitivity.
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
20 February 2023
Selection criteria
The student is in a nursing degree + balanced participation of students from all RUN-EU member institutions.
HAMK, Finland
NHL Stenden, The Netherlands
TUS, Ireland
Contact if you have any further questions.