Researcher Profiles: Creating and Maintaining Effective Online Presence
18 October 2024
RUN-EU is organising an online workshop on ‘Researcher Profiles: Creating and Maintaining Effective Online Presence’ on 14 November 2024.
Since the launch of Horizon Europe, the EU has emphasised the importance of including gender+, EDI and intersectionality perspectives in academic research and teaching.
In many countries around the world, research funding bodies require the use of inclusive strategies when awarding funding.
But what does this mean for those who, like many academics, teach and research in STEM subjects without having received formal training in these areas? Are we in danger of adopting an ‘add gender+ and stir’ approach, or can we adopt strategies that help us to be more inclusive in the way we research and teach?
Researcher Profiles: Creating and Maintaining Effective Online Presence
14 November 2024
11h00 – 12h30 CET
MS Teams
Target group
Academics, Researchers and Students
Previous knowledge required
It will focus on:
- What is a Researcher Profile?
- Why is it important?
- Software (RIMS, Cloud of Knowledge, etc)
- Networking
- Developing collaboration
- Importance for Funders/Funding
- Author Profiles (Scopus, Web of Science, ORCID etc)
- Purposeful engagement
- Social Media
- How are profiles used? Examples/case studies
What you will know afterwards:
- The importance of a strong online presence for researchers in sharing their work and engaging with the academic community.
- How your researcher profiles on various platforms can be used to enhance the visibility and accessibility of your work.
- An understanding of the importance of self-promotion.
- Develop strategies for regularly updating and maintaining a strong online presence, while recognising how to identify and leverage opportunities for collaboration through your online presence.
Participants will gain practical skills and knowledge to effectively disseminate their research in the digital landscape.
Hosted by
TUS, Ireland