Drawing, Technology & Cultural Heritage – 2nd edition

7 May 2024

In today’s technologically driven society, what role does traditional drawing play in preserving our cultural heritage? 

The RUN-EU Short Advanced Programme (SAP) ‘Drawing, Technology & Cultural Heritage’ – 2nd edition will help discover how traditional values intersect with contemporary art & design practice and technological sophistication.

This course aims to provide an in-depth analysis of visual note-taking and the methodology of ‘thinking on paper’, the process making of visual and contextual observations and the subsequent stages involved in building connections for meaningful narrative and composition.

Students will receive instruction in perspective studies, the importance of the underdrawing and approaches to observational drawing, advice on storytelling, conceptual art and the creation of digital augmented reality exhibition pieces.

This SAP is jointly coordinated by the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), and the Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave (IPCA).

From 11 to 21 June 2024

Face-to-face week
From 17 to 21 June at the TUS, Ireland

Mode of delivery

Language of instruction

Academic recognition
To be defined by each higher education institution.
Generally, most students will have this RUN-EU SAP certified in their diploma supplement, as a minimal condition.

Eligible participants
RUN-EU students specially from 1st cycle of studies.
This SAP is interdisciplinary but situated in the fields of Drawing, Arts, Architecture, and Design.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to understand:

  • the principles of drawing for representational visual communication.
  • perspective drawing fundamentals for still life, architecture and figurative study.
  • compositional and narrative problem-solving for illustrative storytelling and conceptual art making.
  • digital applications and working methodology for Augmented Reality.

How to apply
Fill in the application form

Deadline for applications
20 May 2024

Selection criteria
A maximum of 20 students will be selected for this programme.
Motivation and a wide representation of subject areas/fields and balanced participation of RUN-EU member institutions. The selection team will also take steps towards ensuring diversity and representativity.


IPCA, Portugal
TUS, Ireland

Contact Susana Jorge at or Alan Crowley at if you have any further questions.


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