HAMK hosts Science for Business seminar
9 April 2024
The Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) will host a ‘Science for Business’ seminar between 22–23 May 2024, in Hämeenlinna, Finland.
The seminar will present RUN-EU research, the operation of RUN-EU European Innovation Hubs and concrete opportunities for business cooperation. A key objective of the event is to network researchers, companies and other regional stakeholders.
Presentations will be in English and the plenary sessions of the event will be streamed online.
Registration is on!
The seminar promises to be a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration in business and sustainability.
We welcome all those interested in circular economy, bioeconomy, biotechnology and sustainable agriculture.
For further information, please contact

Preliminary Programme
Wednesday, 22 May
9h00 Morning coffee, exhibition stands
9h45 Opening words
Annukka Pakarinen, Research Director, HAMK
10h30 Presentations, research in biotechnology
(to be announced later)
12h00 Lunch & exhibition stands and networking
13h00 Presentations, research in biotechnology
(to be announced later)
13h20 RUN-EU Innovation Hubs
13h40 RUN-EU Doctoral Programme
Patrick Murray, TUS
14h00 Coffee break & exhibition stands, networking
15h00 Parallel sessions, Meet the ecosystems SmartBio & SmartBuilt
17h00 End of the day
Thursday, 23 May
9h00 Morning coffee
9h45 Opening words
Iivari Kunttu, Leading Research Scientist, HAMK
10h00 Presentations, company cases
(to be announced later)
11h00 Research funding instruments and support for companies
Tuomo Kauha, ELY Center, Team Finland
11h30 Häme Smart Growth
Anastasia Kanervisto, Linna Businessa Development Ltd.
12h00 Lunch and networking
13h00–15h00 EPA–Mission workshops