The RUN-EU Student Council Summit: a Collaborative and Enriching Event

12 October 2023

The RUN-EU Student Council Summit: Amplify the Voices, Shape the Future, held at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden), from 4–6 October, gathered 63 RUN-EU students.

This gathering, in Leeuwarden (The Netherlands), had a central focus on strengthening the role of the Student Council within the RUN-EU network and devising strategies for the institution’s enhancement.

Throughout the summit, engaging activities unfolded:

  • Workshops stimulated creative thinking and introduced fresh perspectives for optimising student council operations
  • Round table discussions fostered meaningful dialogues, enabling participants to exchange valuable insights and experiences to drive positive changes.

In the spirit of cultural exchange, the ‘Taste My Culture Night’ allowed students to share traditional food from their countries. Additionally, they came together for an ice-skating experience, fostering camaraderie and teamwork.

In alignment with sustainability goals, a campus tour showcased NHL Stenden University’s environmentally responsible practices, which emphasised the significance of environmental responsibility, and provided valuable insights for potential enhancements within RUN-EU.

From engaging in discussions on professionalising student councils, collaboration between institutions, and recruitment strategies.

Overall, the RUN-EU Student Council Summit emerged as a collaborative and enriching event, harnessing the knowledge and creativity of the diverse student body to take the RUN-EU network further.

During the closing ceremony, a collaborative presentation was unveiled, showcasing a selection of valuable recommendations from the students. These suggestions, born from the collective wisdom of our diverse student body, reflect their vision for enhancing RUN-EU. The presentation serves as a testament to the commitment of our students and their invaluable contributions to shaping the future of RUN-EU.

Their insights will undoubtedly guide our path forward, strengthening the RUN-EU network in alignment with the aspirations of all the individuals it serves.


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