Living Playground
in Finland
6 June 2023
The RUN-EU Short Advanced Programme (SAP) ‘Living Playground’ explores physical and social environments in a multidisciplinary approach to improve understanding of ecosystems and humans’ health and well-being.
Jointly coordinated by the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and the Polytechnic of Leiria (ESAD.CR), it provides the knowledge and enhancement of the social and environmental heritage of the chosen territory, and setting up proposals for intervention in the public space, promoting individual and collective well-being, creating dynamics of the living space that involves the community, encouraging their direct involvement in its development and preservation.
This programme’s strategic approach is based on the knowledge of the site’s identity, within its various dimensions (native flora and fauna, land conditions, current and past uses, sun exposure, hydrographic index, winds, e.g.), as the genesis of a plan, restoring and establishing ecosystems, from a micro to a macro scale.
From 5 to 20 September 2023
Face-to-face week
From 11 to 15 September at the Häme University of Applied Sciences (Lepaa, Finland)
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
ECTS Credits
Academic recognition
To be defined by each home higher education institution.
Generally, most students will have this SAP certified in their diploma supplement, as a minimal condition
Eligible participants
All RUN-EU degree students, primarily students in Design, Landscape and Built Environment.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:
- Understand the relevance of knowledge and enhancement of the territory and local cultural identities
- Create proposals for intervention in the public space that contribute to their environmental and cultural qualification, and the promotion of individual and collective well-being
- Apply critical thinking to provide practical solutions to problem-based scenarios encountered in the field
- Collaborate with others to achieve common goals
- Discuss different cultural and social approaches to improve understanding of the health and well-being of ecosystems and humans.
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
15 June 2023 (New Deadline)
Selection criteria
Students will be selected based on the fulfilment of requirements, CV and information provided in a video and/or in a motivation letter. A minimum of 8 places will be reserved for each of the two host institutions (IPL / ESAD.CR and HAMK built environment).
The total number of students to be selected is 21.
After that, the remaining 5 places will be distributed to all applicants. Selection will always be based on requirements and submitted applications concerning motivation.
The selection team will also take steps toward ensuring diversity and representativity.
HAMK, Finland
IPLeiria, Portugal
Contact if you have any further questions.