RUN-EU Super Week 2023
31 May 2023
Between 22-26 May, the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden) hosted RUN-EU’s 4th Super Week, in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
A catalyst for collaboration and innovation in Education, the event brought together 87 educators, researchers, HR professionals, and academic leaders to explore new educational models and design factories.
Building upon past editions at the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland, NHL Stenden organised this year’s Super Week, aiming to inspire participants towards shared goals.
The event has proven to be a time of opportunity, where participants forge connections, gain insights, and find inspiration for collaborations. Previous outcomes include joint ‘Design Sprint’ weeks with students, SAPs, research collaborations, and successful collaborative Erasmus+ funded projects applications. On this edition the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), Ireland, officially applied to become a Design Factory.
This year’s Super Week aimed to foster deeper innovation and collaboration. The Design Factory Bootcamp track empowered international colleagues to establish their Design Factories. The Pedagogical Development track explored a collaborative approach to a pan-European educational concept, building upon the growing number of SAPs, MOOCs, and COILs. The first ever HRM Conference track examined the impact on human resources practices. Throughout the week, fruitful interactions occurred across the three different tracks.
The Super Week connected with Groen Peper 2023, a Dutch initiative for sustainability activities within universities. This highlighted the value of connections among RUN-EU partners.
This edition of the Super Week transcended job titles, disciplines, and borders. Participants left with renewed purpose and connections shaping the future of education within the RUN-EU alliance.