Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures
22 April 2022
‘Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures’ is a RUN-EU Short Advanced Programme (SAP) jointly coordinated by the Polytechnic of Leiria and the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK).
This SAP aims to address the design of cold-formed structures according to the Eurocodes. It focuses on the specific challenges involved, particularly concerning structural principles of stability and failure modes not found in the design of hot-rolled and fabricated steel structures.
Due to their sustainability, the use of Light Steel Framing (LSF) systems is increasingly growing. Today light steel members are used for purlins and other secondary elements in steel construction. The complexity of the design of these structures/members makes this a hugely relevant short course for the industry.
From 11 to 25 May 2022
Face-to-Face week
From 16 to 20 May at the Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
ECTS credits
2 ECTS credits
Academic recognition
Joint Certificate of Participation
Diploma Supplement
Eligible participants
RUN-EU bachelor’s and master’s students in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

Proposed learning outcomes
At the end of this Short Advanced Programme, you will be able to:
- understand the specific issues related to the structural behaviour of cold-formed steel elements
- understand and apply the Eurocode framework to this type of structure
- design cold-formed elements according to the Eurocodes
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
27 April 2022
Selection criteria
Order of submission and academic background
IPLeiria, Portugal
HAMK, Finland
If you have any further questions:
- Luís Prola (Polytechnic of Leiria)
- Pedro Gala (Polytechnic of Leiria)
- Zhongcheng Ma (HAMK)