Smart Everything

3 March 2022

‘Smart Everything’ is a RUN-EU Short Advanced Programme (SAP) jointly coordinated by the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and the Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave (IPCA).

Co-creation has proven to be one of the most successful ways to generate value, enrich consumers’ experiences, and ultimately create products that seamlessly solve real problems sustainably and ethically. During this SAP, the makers (IT students) and the marketers (business students) will enhance their understanding of multiple viewpoints and expertise to create a more collaborative process.

Students will explore how new technological developments, interconnectedness, and product development with visual programming are applied.

This SAP aims to understand the business and development power of a cross-functional perspective, finding tools, attitudes, and work strategies that they can take with them into their academic and professional lives.

The programme includes one mobility week (in Portugal) and online periods for teamwork activities.

From 11 April to 13 May 2022

Face-to-face week
From 9-13 May at the Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave (Portugal)

Mode of delivery

5 weeks

Language of instruction

ECTS credits
3 ECTS credits

Bachelor/1st cycle (EQF 6)

Academic recognition
To be defined by each home institution.
In general, most students will have the SAP certified in their diploma supplement, as a minimal condition.

Eligible participants
All RUN-EU degree students

Proposed learning outcomes

At the end of this Short Advanced Programme, you will be able:

  • to learn how to identify business opportunities in the field of sustainability, digital technologies, and products and how to produce them quickly and successfully.
  • to understand how visual programming is used with agile methods in business application creation.
  • to acquire skills to collaborate in a multidisciplinary horizontal project in an international and multicultural environment.
  • to get familiar with the specifics and industry requirements (smart products).
  • to practice industry standards when setting evaluation indicators (OKRs).

How to apply
Fill in the application form

Deadline for applications
13 March 2022

Selection criteria
Order of submission, motivation, even representation of subject areas/field of study and balance representation of RUN-EU members institution.


HAMK, Finland
IPCA, Portugal

If you have any further questions, please send an email to


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