Online Seminar on Adding an EDI Perspective to STEM Related Research and Teaching

19 September 2024

RUN-EU is organising an online seminar on ‘Adding an EDI Perspective to STEM Related Research and Teaching’ on 8 October 2024.

Since the launch of Horizon Europe, the EU has emphasised the importance of including gender+, EDI and intersectionality perspectives in academic research and teaching.

In many countries around the world, research funding bodies require the use of inclusive strategies when awarding funding.

But what does this mean for those who, like many academics, teach and research in STEM subjects without having received formal training in these areas? Are we in danger of adopting an ‘add gender+ and stir’ approach, or can we adopt strategies that help us to be more inclusive in the way we research and teach?

Adding an EDI Perspective to STEM Related Research and Teaching Online Seminar

8 October 2024

14h00 – 15h30 BST

MS Teams

It will focus on:

  • How can STEM educators and researchers incorporate gender+, EDI and intersectionality perspectives into their work without having formal training in these areas?
  • What practical strategies can be implemented at both the individual and departmental levels to promote more inclusive research and teaching practices?
  • What challenges may arise in promoting gender diversity in STEM research and how can they be effectively addressed?

What you will know afterwards:

  • Practical strategies for integrating gender+, EDI, and intersectionality perspectives into STEM research and teaching.
  • Implement innovative strategies at individual and departmental levels to promote EDI in their institutions.
  • How to overcome the challenges of promoting gender diversity and EDI in STEM research, thus contributing to more innovation and economic growth.

The seminar is open to STEM researchers, educators, department heads, and administrators, focusing on integrating Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in research, teaching, and outreach. It is open to RUN-EU researchers and students, but anyone is invited to register.

Hosted by 
TUS, Ireland


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