Cyber Safety, Cyber Security and Internet of Things 

20 January 2025

As part of the European Programme Academy of RUN-EU, each institution will host an EPA Mission. The aim is to facilitate the collection of ideas and the creation of collaboration across the regions. The target is to draft co-created, actionable, joint learning opportunities. Each institute will host one EPA Mission. The EPA Missions bring together students, lecturers/teachers and researchers to jointly work on these learning opportunities.

The EPA Mission ‘Cyber Safety, Cyber Security and Internet of Things’ is hosted by the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden).

In the fast-changing world we live in, we need to develop strategies that enable individuals and organisations to safely and responsibly navigate the increasingly complex and rapidly changing digital world. Particular attention will be paid to the effects of AI on society, promoting digital readiness, strengthening resilience, and ensuring cybersecurity and ethical technology development.


3 to 7 March 2025

09h00–17h00 each day, finishing on Friday at 13h00

Mode of delivery
From 5 to 9 May 2025, at NHL Stenden, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Target groups
We are seeking participants (students, teachers and researchers) with expertise in the following fields: Cyber Security, Cyber Safety, Internet of Things, Computer Science, Technical Computer Science, ICT, AI, Digital Readiness and Digital Resilience, Digital Compliance and Safety, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology.

Previous knowledge required
Expertise in the areas mentioned above.

Participants will:

  • Be able to implement the pedagogical framework of RUN-EU into the learning opportunity that is being developed.
  • Strengthen their intercultural competence by working in a diverse group related to both roles and backgrounds.

Institutional Selection Process
Please get in touch with the contact person at your institution as listed below:

TUS: brian.murphy
IPCA: acandeias@ipca.pt
IPLeiria: luis.oliveira@ipleiria.pt
HAMK: run-eu@hamk.fi
NHL Stenden: anja.dieters@nhlstenden.com
FHV: run-eu@fhv.at
Howest: ilse.coopman@howest.be or Lies.Vanhaelemeesch@howest.be
UBU: run-eu@ubu.es

Deadline for registrations
3 February 2025

Hosted by

NHL Stenden, The Netherlands


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