Event-driven Innovation: Zooming in on the World Surf League 2025
16 December 2024
The Short Advanced Programme (SAP) ‘Event-driven Innovation: Zooming in on the World Surf League 2025’ is jointly coordinated by the Polytechnic University of Leiria (IPLeiria), and the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden).
Innovation plays a critical role in today’s events industry to provide guests with unique experiences and satisfy diverse stakeholders and interests.
This SAP introduces students to the concept of event-driven innovation within the context of Peniche, a peninsula with a unique ecosystem.
During the programme, students will prototype and test innovative solutions during the World Surf League 2025 (MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal) stage in Peniche, Portugal’s top surfing destination.
This design challenge will focus on maximising the event’s impact to ensure sustainable socio-economic, cultural and environmental benefits for the local community.
Students will work in groups and use the design thinking method to come up with a solution for stakeholders. The solution will be tested during one of the world’s largest surfing events.
25 February to 21 March 2025
Face-to-face week
From 17 to 21 March 2025 at IPLeiria, Portugal
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
2 ECTS credits
Academic recognition
To be defined by each higher education institution.
Generally, most students will have this SAP certified in their diploma supplement, as a minimal condition.
Eligible participants
All RUN-EU degree students, but preference is given to students with demonstrated interest in events, community, sustainability and innovation.
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
12 January 2025

Learning outcomes
By the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:
- Understand the unique socio-economic, cultural, environmental and regulatory context of Peniche.
- Recognise the impact of events on (local) society.
- Utilise Design Thinking methodology to create innovative event solutions in multidisciplinary teams.
- Consider the success factors of sustainable events when designing impactful, innovative, and sustainable event solutions addressing the local context.
Selection criteria
Joint Selection Procedure and Criteria
Minimum Number of Students to be selected: 30
The selected students will receive travel grants based on the travel distance and the subsistence costs in the country the SAP is offered in:
Ireland – Portugal €309
Barcelos – Leiria: €28
Finland – Portugal: €580
The Netherlands – Portugal: €309
Austria – Portugal: €309
Spain – Portugal: €309
Belgium – Portugal: €309
The subsistence grant for Portugal is €553 (7 days x €79). IPLeiria students from other campuses should contact their International office to apply for a grant.
IPLeiria, Portugal
NHL Stenden, The Netherlands
Contact or if you have any further questions.