Bee Analytics & Business – 2nd edition
11 December 2024
The Short Advanced Programme (SAP) ‘Bee Analytics & Business’ – 2nd edition is jointly coordinated by the Howest University of Applied Sciences, the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), and the University of Burgos (UBU).
Over six weeks, the participants will design, develop and market together in an international and multidisciplinary group. The group will build a prototype analytics system for bees.
One of this SAP’s goals is that students learn to work in multidisciplinary and diverse teams and can create fruitful collaborations and learn from each other. They will be divided into groups and assigned a supervisor to start the development journey.
The starting week will allow ice-breaking and a deeper level of interaction, so the rest of the group work develops on a solid base. After the online kick-off and individual research on the given topic, the students and the supervisors will meet in an online communication platform to attend guest lectures and watch videos.
During the SAP the students may take one of four roles: an AI adventurer, a business innovator, a prototype developer or a marketing enthusiast. During the following weeks, the students will work remotely with their groups to deliver their products and plans. They will have weekly meetings with their supervisor.
To ensure the correct development of the projects, the students will commit to a series of milestones including individual preparation work, ideation presentation, prototype presentation and an intensive week of group work. While discovering fascinating insights for beekeepers, farmers, and policymakers the students work hand in hand on the design of the prototype.
The participants should contribute according to their strengths like IT students in analytics and programming, marketing students in marketing planning and accounting students in profit calculations. The prototype should contain a mock-up idea of using analytics and AI. The simplified business model should drive participation and sustainability.
Keeping sustainability as the core of the project, the process will be completed after six weeks, when each group will present a minimum viable product (MVP) that solves the brief requirements and their business model. The final presentation on-site at the end of the intensive week will conclude the course.
17 February to 28 March 2025
Face-to-face week
From 24 March to 28 March 2025 at Howest, Kortrijk, Belgium
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
3 ECTS credits
Academic recognition
Howest will provide a transcript of records of 3 ECTS – as a supplement to the Diploma
Eligible participants
All RUN-EU degree students from the first study year onwards (2nd semester) in the following study fields: AI or Software Engineering, Analysis of Data, Business/Economics/Marketing, Agriculture/Biotechnology/Food Science and Technology.
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
2 January 2025

Learning outcomes
By the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:
- Gain insight into the opportunities and challenges associated with the use of analytics and AI.
- Engage in a hands-on bee analytics project contributing to sustainable agriculture
- Uncover valuable insights relevant to beekeepers, farmers and policymakers.
- Develop a simplified sustainable business model
- Develop a new ‘brand’
- Gain intercultural competence by working in an international and multidisciplinary team
- Internationalise and interculturalise the learning content and professional field
Claudia Eeckhout
Lasse Seppänen
Olga Valencia
Virginia Ahedo
Hannu Äystö
Marie Dewitte
Wouter Gevaert
Mazhar Mohsin
Reko Nieminen
Frederik Waeyaert
Selection criteria
Students’ motivation and expectations meet the SAP content, wide representation of fields of study and balanced participation of RUN-EU member institutions. First-time SAP participation has priority.
The selected students will receive travel grants based on the travel distance and the subsistence costs in the country the SAP is offered in:
Ireland – Belgium: €220
Portugal – Belgium: €309
Finland – Belgium: €309
Austria – Belgium: €309
The Netherlands – Belgium: €211
Spain – Belgium: €309
The subsistence grant for Belgium is €553 (7 days x €79), except for students who already come from Howest.
Howest, Belgium
HAMK, Finland
UBU, Spain
Contact if you have any further questions.