How to Become a True Ambassador for RUN-EU?

25 June 2024

The Short Advanced Programme (SAP) ‘How to Become a True Ambassador for RUN-EU is jointly coordinated by the Howest University of Applied Sciences (Howest) and the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK).

In this SAP students will take on the role of ambassadors, mastering inclusive communication techniques that break down barriers and foster meaningful connections.

Through dynamic projects such as the creation of testimonials, social media campaigns, podcasts, blogs and vlogs, they’ll learn to amplify diverse voices and celebrate the vibrant tapestry of international student experiences.

Part of this journey to become a RUN-EU ambassador is to find the RUN-EU-er in each participant. Students will cultivate the skills needed to make a lasting impact in their communities and even beyond.

As this week focuses on becoming ambassadors, students must be willing to step out of their comfort zones to spread the word about the RUN-EU identity to others.

From 22 October 2024 to 28 January 2025

Face-to-face week
From 18 to 22 November at the Howest, Belgium

Mode of delivery

Language of instruction

Academic recognition
To be defined by each home higher education institution.
Generally, most students will have this SAP certified in their diploma supplement, as a minimal condition

Eligible participants
All RUN-EU students from any study cycle who have not graduated before September 2026.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:

  • Understand what an ambassador is and does.
  • Identify your inner RUN-EU-er.
  • Communicate inclusively on RUN-EU.
  • Students will set up an individual communication plan.
  • This programme provides training on free programmes such as Canva as a communication tool.

How to apply
Fill in the application form

Deadline for applications
1 October 2024

Selection criteria
Students must be willing to act as ambassadors within their home institution and promote the RUN-EU activities.
Priority will be given to those who are more than two years away from completing their studies.
The total number of students to be selected is 5 per institution.


Howest, Belgium
HAMK, Finland

Contact or if you have any further questions.


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