RUN-EU SKATE has been established

28 February 2024

A new RUN-EU 2.0 milestone has been reached today with the creation of the Students’ Knowledge, Attention and Technologies (SKATE) committee.

This student-led communications advisory group is a dynamic initiative comprising two Student Council members from each university within the RUN-EU alliance.

SKATE serves as a vital connector, empowering students to engage with the governance structures of RUN-EU and act as ambassadors for disseminating its achievements and opportunities. With agility at its core, SKATE crafts messages and delivers impactful news to its audience.

It will:

  • Effectively communicate RUN-EU’s values and mission to student communities, emphasising inclusivity, diversity, accessibility, personalisation, and a focus on their future.
  • Foster connections with student communities from other European universities and external stakeholders, facilitating mutual support and collaboration in shaping the present and future.

SKATE members, also known as ‘SKATERS’, hold influence across various domains including governance, mobility, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), innovation, entrepreneurship, as well as communication and dissemination, and they will play a pivotal role in spreading the impact of RUN-EU initiatives.

In essence, SKATE embodies the spirit of student empowerment within RUN-EU, driving meaningful engagement and nurturing a vibrant community committed to collective progress and collaboration.

Printscreen of the RUN-EU SKATE online meeting, on 28 February 2024, in which its members were identified.


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