Bee Analytics & Business
9 January 2024
Bee Analytics & Business is a RUN-EU Short Advanced Programme (SAP) jointly coordinated by the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), the Howest University of Applied Sciences (Belgium), and the University of Burgos (UBU).
The conservation of bees is essential to our ecosystem. This SAP, which focuses on bee monitoring through analytics, opens up innovative business opportunities for a sustainable economy.
Co-creation is a powerful method for generating value, enhancing consumer experiences, and creating impactful solutions for bee populations and European agriculture.
Participants will develop skills with a multidisciplinary and cross-functional perspective and apply them in their academic and professional lives.
This multidisciplinary expedition invites students from all backgrounds with a focus on analytics and business.
From 12 February to 22 March 2024
Face-to-face week
From 18 to 22 March at the University of Burgos (Burgos, Spain)
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
ECTS credits
Academic recognition
To be defined by each Home Institution.
In general, most students will have the SAP certified in their Diploma Supplement, as a minimal condition
Eligible participants
RUN-EU bachelor and master students

Learning outcomes
At the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:
- gain an understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with the use of analytics and AI
- engage in a practical bee analytics project that contributes to sustainable agriculture
- gain valuable insights relevant to beekeepers, farmers and policy makers
- develop a simplified sustainable business model
- work in an international and multidisciplinary group
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
15 January 2024
Selection criteria
The motivation and expectations of the students are in line with the SAP content, the broad representation of fields of study and the balanced participation of RUN-EU member institutions.
Priority is given to first-time SAP participants.
Hosted by
HAMK, Finland
Howest, Belgium
UBU, Spain
Contact if you have any further questions.