Online Workshop on Data Management Planning
1 June 2023
RUN-EU PLUS is organising a workshop on Data Management Planning (intermediate), hosted by the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), in June 2023.
The purpose of data management planning is to ensure that all research and development projects follow:
- the responsible conduct of research and ethical principles and
- data protection and data security.
Good data management practices define and guide the collection, preservation, use and management of research data. Good data management practices promote openness and meet the demands of society and funders on the processing, preserving, accessibility and usability of research data.
As part of promoting the openness of operations, good life cycle management of research data in RDI projects is required in (many) research organisations.
Data management planning concerns the entire life cycle of the data: the collecting, storage, description and organising of data during the project. Many funders and research organisations (within RUN-EU Plus) require that a data management plan is drawn up in each RDI project after the positive funding decision.
Workshop on Data Management Planning (intermediate)
6 June 2023 • 13h00-14h30 CEST
The workshop will focus on:
- Definition of data management planning and data management plan
- The importance of data management planning
- The typical questions answered in a data management plan
- An introduction to a data management planning tool DMPTuuli (used in Finland)
It is open to RUN-EU researchers and students – but anyone can register – and it will take place via MS Teams.
Hosted by
HAMK, Finland