RUN-EU International RDI Mobility Programme – 2nd Call for Applications

20 April 2023

The Regional University Network – European University (RUN-EU) has a shared vision to become a global innovation leader, to drive a strong, sustainable economy for a society where research and innovation projects provide key enabling activities to achieve our goals.

In this context and supporting our other tasks within this work package including joint RDI project preparation and submission and strengthening the RDI Research teams, RUN-EU has designed an international internship programme for the mobility of researchers. 

Our mobility programme provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators to strengthen the RUN-EU consortium research clusters to address Horizon Europe scientific, technological, and societal challenges in promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research, and empowering independence of our young researchers and innovators.

Early-stage researchers will be targeted as part of the internship programme to promote career development, research independence and consortium development.

RUN-EU Research Areas 

1. Creative Art, Design and Materials Thinking
2. Food & Biotechnology
3. Tourism
4. IoT & Cybersecurity
5. Smart, Sustainable & Advanced Manufacturing
6. Climate Change – Circular Economy & Decarbonisation
7. Education & Social Sciences
8. Health & Wellbeing

This programme includes two main types of activities:

4-week mobility for research staff (with PhD) – 3 grants
4-week mobility for research students – 4 grants

Types of mobility activity can include

  • Organisation of large-scale project submissions. For example, to the Horizon Europe Programme; 
  • Training-through-research by the means of an individual personalised project, under the guidance of the supervisor and other members of the research staff of the host organisation(s); 
  • Hands-on training activities for developing scientific skills (new techniques, instruments, research integrity, ‘big data’/’open science’) and transferable skills (entrepreneurship, proposal preparation, patent applications, management of IPR, project management, task coordination, supervising and monitoring, take up and exploitation of research results); 
  • Inter-sectoral or interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge (e.g. through secondments); 
  • Development of research Masters/PhD joint supervision projects; 
  • Organisation of scientific/training/dissemination events. 

Applications Deadline

The Application Form Template, CV of the researcher and other associated files should be submitted by e-mail to by 31 May 2023, at 23h59 GMT.

Proposals must respect the following editing standards

  • A minimum font size of 11 points, except for the Gantt chart and tables where the minimum font size is 8 points 
  • Single line spacing
  • A4 page size 
  • Margins (top, bottom, left, right) of at least 15 mm (not including any footers or headers)
  • A clear readable font (e.g. Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman)

Please refer to the call for applications (below) for all relevant details.


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