Online Workshop on Enabling Mental Health for Research Degree Students:
What Supervisors Can Do?
13 April 2023
Are there any factors about doing a research degree that increases the chances of mental health issues?
Some candidates do bring mental health issues into their research degree but are the ways supervisors structure it (or don’t structure it) and support them (or don’t support them) also factors?
The Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) is organising a workshop on Enabling Mental Health for Research Degree Students: What Supervisors Can Do?, by Dr Hugh Kearns (ThinkWell), providing the attendee with an opportunity to join a Community of Practice of Postgraduate Research Supervisors for shared learning and discovery in their supervision practice and experience.
Online Workshop
Enabling Mental Health for Research Degree Students:
What Supervisors Can Do?
25 April 2023 • 11h00-13h00 CET
This workshop will help you understand:
- Research students’ struggles and strains emerging themes.
- How supervisors can assist in enabling mental health for research degree students.
It is open to all Research Supervisors.
This training is conducted over one workshop.
Each attendee will receive a pre-workshop reading.
Participants who attend the workshop and complete a short reflective learning piece on their supervision can also be considered for a TUS Digital Badge.
Hosted by
TUS, Ireland