RUN-EU will participate in the 3rd Unique Summit

24 November 2022

Between 28 and 30 November, RUN-EU will be present at the 3rd edition of the Unique Summit, at Altice Forum Braga.

The summit, promoted by the international consortium Global StartupCities, brings together startups, investors, and political agents to reflect on the global entrepreneurial ecosystem, through lectures, discussions, and networking in a global ecosystem context, to support startups and new businesses.

On 30 November, at 14h00, the Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), and the Polytechnic of Leiria (IPLeiria) will promote a roundtable on the theme of the RUN-EU European Innovation Hubs.

Ricardo Simões, Hub Leader RUN-EU/IPCA, Pedro Morouço, Hub Leader RUN-EU/Polytechnic of Leiria and Vítor Ferreira, General Director of Startup Leiria, are part of the speaker’s panel.

In the session, the role of our Interregional European University will be discussed in the area of entrepreneurship, incubation and acceleration of new businesses, especially in the role that this type of network can have in the internationalisation of new business ideas.
The event is organised by InvestBraga, IPCA’s strategic partner.

Registration is free and open to all researchers, teachers, and students of RUN-EU.

If you would like to attend the event, please register at the registration website.


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