Online Workshop on Attractive Researcher Career Paths
16 May 2022
RUN-EU PLUS will organise an Online Workshop on Attractive Researcher Career Paths on 9 June 2022, specially developed for researchers, postgraduate students, and supervisors.
Workshop on Attractive Researcher Career Paths
9 June 2022 • 10h00-16h00 CET • MS Teams
As a researcher, do you wish to influence and clarify your future career path?
RUN-EU PLUS aims to support our researchers in identifying clear personal career paths and to encourage intersectoral, interdisciplinary and international mobility during their research careers.
Within the RUN-EU universities, there is a variety of current researcher career path possibilities, in addition to diverse needs and offerings in researcher skills and training.
The workshop will focus on:
- results of the RUN-EU PLUS self-audit and gap analysis of researcher career paths
- identification of researcher skills and competencies
- educational needs of researchers
Come meet your RUN-EU PLUS colleagues, share good practices, network and discuss critical topics and challenges regarding researcher career paths!
This event will provide you with information on European goals for researcher careers and how to strengthen research career opportunities in our RUN-EU universities. It will also improve your abilities to identify your research skills and training needs.
Prior to the workshop, you will receive the RUN-EU self-audit report on the researcher career paths developed by RUN-EU PLUS project members.

Welcome and introductions, Dr Mervi Friman (HAMK)
Introduction to RUN-EU and RUN-EU PLUS (presentation), Dr Siobhan Moane (TUS)
Researcher Career Framework (presentation), Dr Patrick Murray (TUS)
Self-Audit & Gap Analysis of Researcher Career Development Practices across RUN-EU (presentation), Dr Virve Kallioniemi-Chambers (HAMK)
Guidelines for breakout sessions, Ms Hanna Lindroos (HAMK)
Breakout Session 1
Discussion of Research Career Paths
Lunch break
Summaries of Breakout Session 1 and discussion on attractive research career path structures (chaired session, Dr Siobhan Moane)
Researcher skills and competencies (short presentations), Dr José Carlos Gomes (Polytechnic of Leiria), Dr Pedro Morais (IPCA), Dr Markus Preißinger (FHV), Dr João L. Vilaça (IPCA), Dr Virve Kallioniemi-Chambers (HAMK)
Breakout Session 2
Discussion of future researcher skills requirements and educational needs of researchers
Summaries of Breakout Session 2 and discussion on educational needs of researchers (chaired session)
Feedback and next steps in the RUN-EU PLUS researcher training programme
Closing message