Successful ‘Meet & Greet RUN-EU’ Event and European Values Workshop at NHL Stenden

A ‘Meet & Greet RUN-EU’ event took place on 18 June at the Brûze Café, at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden, bringing together members of the RUN-EU community for an engaging and insightful gathering.

RUN Research Expert Network has been established

A new milestone has been reached as the RUN-EU 2.0 research community launched the RUN Research Expert Network on 15 July 2024.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at Howest: A Step Forward

At the Howest University of Applied Sciences, fostering a culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is not just a goal but a continuous journey. The commitment to DEI reflects Howest’s dedication to creating an environment where every student, staff member and faculty can thrive, regardless of their background.

Discover the UBU Campus: Unlock a World of Opportunities

The University of Burgos (UBU) is a public university of academic excellence, committed to the student’s curriculum development in an international context and devoted to research and the transfer of knowledge to society.

Discover the Howest Campi: Kortrijk, Bruges and Oudenaarde

The Howest University of Applied Sciences, our new member from Belgium, is known for its innovative and industry-driven approach to education, with vibrant campuses in Kortrijk, Bruges, and Oudenaarde.

RUN-EU Dissemination and Cooperation Office (DCO) has been established

A new milestone for RUN-EU 2.0 has been achieved with the establishment of the Dissemination and Cooperation Office (DCO).

Howest Welcomed the 2nd RUN-EU Executive Management Board Meeting

The RUN-EU Executive Management Board (EMB) met from 3 to 5 June at the Howest University of Applied Sciences, Belgium.

RUN-EU Played an Active Role in the 4th FOR.UE.PT Meeting

The 4th Meeting of the Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) within the European University Alliances (FOR.UE.PT), was held in Lisbon on 16 May.

The Future Starts Now! Get Ready for the General Assembly and Students’ Week 2024

The Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (FHV) will host the fourth General Assembly (GA) and the RUN-EU Students’ Week (SW) from 2 to 6 September 2024, in Austria.

RUN-EU is Shaping the Future of Food and Biotechnology

Two RUN European University (RUN-EU) events were held in May at Häme University of Applied Sciences in Hämeenlinna, Finland: the European Programmes Academy – Exploratory Mission (EPA-mission) in Food and Biotechnology, and the Science for Business seminar.