Navigating EU Values in EU Institutions
19 December 2024
The Short Advanced Programme (SAP) ‘Navigating EU Values in EU Institutions’ is jointly coordinated by the Howest University of Applied Sciences, the Polytechnic University of Leiria (IPLeiria), and the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden).
This SAP is designed to deepen participants’ overall understanding of core European values, such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law, equality, and respect for diversity, as reflected in the functioning of EU institutions and their decision-making processes.
This programme focuses on EU institutional awareness, communication, and intercultural sensitivity. By engaging in cross-cultural collaboration, participants will enhance their ability to explain European decision-making processes and contribute to a more inclusive, value-driven Europe.
Through a combination of workshops, seminars, group assignments, and immersive experiences, participants will explore how these values shape European governance, education, and society.
The programme emphasises both theoretical and practical knowledge, offering a comprehensive introduction to European decision-making processes and how European values are integrated across EU Member States.
3 March to 8 May 2025
Face-to-face week
From 31 March to 4 April 2025 at Howest, Bruges, Belgium
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
3 ECTS credits
Academic recognition
To be defined by each Home Institution.
Generally, most students will have this SAP certified in their Diploma Supplement, as a minimal condition.
Eligible participants
RUN-EU students from any study cycle:
Short-cycle (5), 1st cycle – Bachelor (6), 2nd cycle – Master (7), 3rd cycle – PhD (8)
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
20 January 2025

Learning outcomes
By the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:
1. EU History
- Reflect on the foundations of the European integration process and of its main landmarks within European history.
- Reflect on the main challenges that the European Union is facing in today’s world.
2. EU Values
- Identify and explain core European values, such as democracy, human rights, the rule of law, equality, and respect for diversity.
- Critically reflect on what these values represent and how they are applied in different contexts across Europe.
3. EU Institutions
- Analyse the role of European Institutions and their policies in promoting and upholding European Values.
- Critically reflect on how these values guide the actions and policies of EU institutions.
4. Diversity in the EU Context
- Enhance their multicultural awareness and collaborative skills by deepening their understanding of diversity and multilingualism as fundamental European values.
- Develop intercultural sensitivity and collaborative skills by working in multinational groups.
5. Communication
- Develop the ability to communicate effectively, respect different perspectives and foster awareness of multiculturalism and multilingualism as key European values, through interactive activities and teamwork.
Course Leaders
Lies Vanhaelemeesch (Howest)
Hidde Wedman (NHL Stenden)
Manon Clement-Noordman (NHL Stenden)
Susana Sardinha Monteiro (IPLeiria)
Selection criteria
Background, motivation, wide representation of subject areas/fields and balanced participation of all RUN-EU member institutions with a maximum of 40 students.The coordinators will take steps towards ensuring a diverse and representative group of students.
The selected students will receive travel grants based on the travel distance and the subsistence costs in the country the SAP is offered in:
Ireland – Belgium: €309
Portugal – Belgium: €309
Finland – Belgium: €309
The Netherlands – Belgium: €211
Austria – Belgium: €309
Spain – Belgium: €309
The subsistence grant for Belgium is €553 (7 days x €79), except for students who already come from Howest.
Howest, Belgium
IPLeiria, Portugal
NHL Stenden, The Netherlands
Contact or if you have any further questions.