Next-Gen Content
13 December 2024
The Short Advanced Programme (SAP) ‘Next-Gen Content’ is jointly coordinated by the Howest University of Applied Sciences, the Polytechnic University of Leiria (IPLeiria), the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden), and the Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave (IPCA).
In this SAP, students will learn how media players could create media content for the next generations. They get to know the Gen Z and Gen Alpha audience and develop innovative formats.
Students delve into the media usage of Gen Z and Gen Alpha, new media tech and formats, creating compelling new media products.
The programme offers dynamic online sessions focusing on media trends, new media business models and tech developments in media by trying out new tools.
At Howest Kortrijk, students will apply theory to create innovative new media concepts for a media/content company honing skills in teamwork, research, ideation, and presentation, preparing them for real-world product innovation challenges in the media sector.
24 February to 4 April 2025
Face-to-face week
From 24 to 28 March 2025 at Howest, Kortrijk,, Belgium
Mode of delivery
Language of instruction
3 ECTS credits
Academic recognition
To be defined by each higher education institution.
Generally, most students will have this SAP certified in their diploma supplement, as a minimal condition.
Eligible participants
Students from study programmes related to Communication, Journalism, Public Relations, Marketing and Multimedia & Creative Technology with an interest in media.
Priority will be given to RUN-EU students from the second year of the 2nd cycle of studies of level 6 and onwards.
How to apply
Fill in the application form
Deadline for applications
5 January 2025

Learning outcomes
By the end of this Short Advanced Programme, students will be able to:
- Understand the media usage, barriers and preferences of the next generations Gen Z and Gen Alpha
- Understand and apply the 5 steps of design thinking in the media product process
- Understand and reflect on the ethics in media content creation
- Develop a new media concept based on theoretical knowledge and insights into the new media trends
- Develop in an intercultural context a working relationship with students, lecturers and other stakeholders and contribute to an atmosphere of trust.
- Compare (elements of) professional practice in their home country with (elements of) professional practice in other countries.
Lieselot Vandamme
Caroline Baert
Inês Conde
Catarina Menezes
Leonel Brites
Marta Oliveira
Martine van der Veer
Angela Dijkstra
Ana Moreno
António Coelho
Selection criteria
Selection will be based on compliance with the prerequisites, order of submission, motivation and a balanced representation of the RUN-EU member institutions.
The total number of students to be selected is 45.
(40 with an option to have five candidates on the waiting list in case of cancellation)
The selected students will receive travel grants based on the travel distance and the subsistence costs in the country the SAP is offered in:
Ireland – Belgium: €309
Portugal – Belgium: €309
Finland – Belgium: €309
The Netherlands – Belgium: €211
Austria – Belgium: €309
Spain – Belgium: €309
The subsistence grant for Belgium is €553 (7 days x €79), except for students who already come from Howest.
Howest, Belgium
IPLeiria, Portugal
NHL Stenden, The Netherlands
IPCA, Portugal
Contact if you have any further questions.