Online Workshop on How to be a Successful Researcher
4 July 2022
RUN-EU PLUS will organise an Online Workshop on How to be a Successful Researcher on 6 September 2022, specially developed for researchers, postgraduate students, and supervisors.
As a researcher, do you want to know more about the publishing process and how to build your research publishing plan? Also, what are the first steps in building a network for collaborative research proposal writing?
Meet your RUN-EU PLUS colleagues, share best practices, network and discuss critical topics and challenges in this workshop!
Workshop on How to be a Successful Researcher
6 September 2022 • 10h00-16h00 CET • MS Teams
It will focus on:
- the publishing process and how to cope with its identified challenges
- impact of collaboration in writing a research funding proposal.
The morning session will focus on the publishing process, and the afternoon one on networking from the research funding proposal point of view. Participants are welcome to join both or either session of this workshop.
This workshop will provide you with information on best practices in developing an individual publishing strategy. It will also support you in building your RUN-EU researcher network to write articles and research proposals collaboratively in your research field.
Before the workshop, you’ll receive a pre-assignment that will be discussed in the breakout rooms.

Welcome and introductions, Dr Siobhan Moane (TUS) and Dr Virve Kallioniemi-Chambers (HAMK)
Key challenges in publication (presentation), Dr Katalin Czakó (SZE)
Guidelines for breakout sessions, Ms Hanna Lindroos (HAMK)
Breakout Session 1: Key challenges and how to cope with them in the publication process (pre-assignment as the base for the discussions)
Summaries of Breakout Session 1 and discussion on strategical publishing (chaired session, Dr Katalin Czakó)
Lunch break
Importance of networking and collaboration in applying research funding (presentation), Dr Petra Szakonyi (SZE)
Breakout Session 2: Discussion on building collaborative research and project proposal writing
Summaries of Breakout Session 2 and discussion on research collaborations and proposal writing (chaired session by Dr Petra Szakonyi)
Feedback and closing message, Dr Mervi Friman (HAMK)